Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Big month comin up for dubstep in Toronto! But this nights gonna be filthy thanks to FAKTORY! Big ups to Bombaman and can't wait to see Fluke break speakers and get filthy at Sneaky Dee's. Everyone come out to this if your in T.O. Wooh Haw.

Oh yeah, and I'm hot on the trail of some great new music, keep checkin, and leave a fucking comment will ya? Let's party.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Port O'brien - Threadbare

Year: 2009
Label: Tbd

This albums just beautifully written and beautifully sung. I love it. If you like Great Lake Swimmers, I really think you'll enjoy this! Nuff said! I'm out and off to Northern Ontario! Have a great weekend everyone! bye bye!

Download: 128k (I know, but it still sounds good!) -

The Cave Singers - Welcome Joy

Year: 2009
Label: Matador

Fuck yeah here we go! This a new release from another great Matador band, The Cave Singers! These guys are absolutely amazing, they have been on repeat for me on my long trips up north for work. There's some real talent in this band, and I can't get enough of them. Again, if you like this, let me know and I'll up their 2007 release Invitation Songs which is also an incredibly solid album. Check it bitches!

Download: 320k Joy -

The Dodos - Time To Die

Year: 2009
Label: Frenchkiss

Sorry for the delay! Ok so there's so much music out there right now it's just so fucking hard to pick the ones that really stand out for me. I have found that I have to listen to a whole bunch of stuff for a while, and certain things will come to the surface. Kind of like a music sieve. So this album and this band definitely stood out, and didn't fall through the crack of music monotony. It's so so good, and if you like it, let me know and i'll up their 2008 release Visiter (which I think is slightly better). Hells yeah...

Download: 320k Time to Die

So Sorry! New Posts Today! Geez.

Hey Everyone! So sorry for the lack of posts in the last couple of weeks. I have been working up in Northern Ontario in an area not very condusive to posting music. Too many mooses and bears. So I have a bunch of new stuff that I will try to get up today! Take it easy and right raw!


Monday, September 7, 2009